Scouts pride themselves on making friends from across the world. Thirty years ago, Scouts from Bramshill in Hampshire made friends with Scouts from Czechoslovakia, a soviet-bloc country that our Scouts would have known very little about!
Mike Dawson or the 6th Bramshill (Hawley) Scouts, shares his experiences of the day the Czech Scouts took over their camp activities back on 31st July 1992. The location, Burrington Combe in Somerset.
The week’s camp in Somerset had been organised by the Scouters of Bramshill but the Czech Scouts asked if they could run one of the days themselves. So, there is little for our leaders to do as the Czech contingent have provided today's activities.
We had been warned in the morning to keep well away from the area below the kitchen, the location of tonight’s special event. The preparation for the fire was elaborate and once constructed the area was further excluded by a ring of marker stones outside the central fire. This did not matter because we were out of the camp during the day, with the exception of the Service Crew.
Best Caver - Louise Childs
Best Climber - Ross Stewart
Best Czech Scout - Tomas Novak
Crazy Golf – Gold - Peter Walker, Silver - lan Dawson, Bronze - Luckas Kovanda
Best Trek Cart - Yellow B Patrol
Best Patrol - Red B
The Czechs have taken over the camp kitchen and are preparing a lunch of pork, dumplings and cabbage. They have also ordered a full inspection at midday. If you don't pass you get fed last! This protocol did seem to work; inspect at tent (hands, tidiness etc.) and then a call to eat and after being fed and ‘Flag Down’ we presented the medals and prizes for the weeks activities.
We then made our way to the camp fire. Here we formed up in two half circles with the Czechs on one side and Brits on the other. Everyone was in uniform and standing outside the stone perimeter circle. In front of the Czech group stood Kamil, George, Baghera and Kim and to their left were the seven Czech Scouts who would give their Scout Promise.
In the centre of the circle was the altar fire, only dimly glimpsed now in the gathering gloom. It consisted of six layers of logs forming a large square and, in the middle, stood an upright log with a twisted end. Along one side of this were inserted carved pieces of flat, stripped wood so the whole resembled an Indian head-dress.
Directly in front of me but on the opposite side of the prepared fire, there is some movement which showed something was about to begin. A few Czech Scouts had assembled to the rear of the half circle and on a signal the Scouts marched in with the Czech flag spread horizontally held at shoulder height by a Scout. To their left stands Bagheera holding a book while to the rear came a flash of light, which flickered briefly and faded but didn't die completely.
Two Scouts sheltered in the lee of a tree trunk and coaxed some glowing embers into life until the bark torch they had made flared up, suddenly illuminating the assembled troop. They moved quickly into the centre and walked around the fire igniting the mass of tinder that filled the space between the logs. As soon as the flames had caught the Scouts went forward to take their promise. Lukas Kraus was first and grasping the Czech national flag he recited the well-practiced phrase. One by one the investees completed the ritual until all were done.
I found out later that the "feathers" of the fire head-dress had the names of all their Troop Scouts on them.
The next day we were encouraged to collect some cold embers from the fire to add to our next campfire. And so began the tradition of the ‘Spirit of the Ashes’ which was continued on in Bramshill long after the Czech Scouts returned home.
Thirty years ago, there was an idea to bring the greatest adventures to Hampshire's Venture Scouts (they would be replaced by Explorer Scouts and Scout Network). This would become Hampshire Venture 92 and what memories it would forge.
Ian Greig, formerly Assistant County Commissioner for Venture Scouts and the Camp leader for the event reflects on the event and writes an open letter to those who came and made it so special.
Dear Citizens of Camberwick Green, Chigley and Trumpton (do you remember!)
I hope I find you well after so many years and you are all enjoying life.
It is 30 years since we were all at Rushmoor Arena for ‘Hampshire Venture – ‘92’ and I thought that although a reunion was not practical something written would catch up with as many as possible, irrespective of location.
Many of you who attended will also have been involve in the planning and may recall the many meetings and all the time we spent together. The wonderful contributions of so many of you and teams such as ‘The Bog Squad’, HSX and the Hard Rock Cafe, all the many activity teams, those who fed us, the contribution made by the Military Police and the senior team, too many to name.
The week itself I will never forget; I recall my words to you all at the final briefing the night before “you know what needs to be done - so get on with it” and you did it with style and gusto. Then the storm that took down so many tents on the first night – must have been a Guinness Book of Records record on how many people you can sleep in one tent that night. I never told the County Commissioner or tried to claim the record – not sure that The Scout Association would have been happy!
The opening ceremony with Steve Peck when the whole camp became as one team with so much energy and enthusiasm from you all. The activities, the trip to Thorpe Park with all those coaches! The open day with all our VIP guests, It’s a Knockout, the Red Devils - the Parachute Regiment Freefall Team and the Royal Military Motorcycle and Horse Display Team, the surreal event of taking the VIPs into the refreshment tent for tea and the whole National Scout Orchestra was playing – just like something out of Monty Python’s Flying Circus (sorry that was my generation – I know you saw the repeats).
A few stories you may not have known about. We had a visit by Rushmoor Council’s Health and Safety Inspector, and they were all fine but were concerned about the jelly being made in the old latrine cans which we assured them were not for eating but for the jelly fight. Also, on the last evening (remember The Rocky Horror Picture Show) the local Civilian Police had a complaint about the noise (our music could be heard in Fleet some two miles away) but the Military Police refused them access to the site and turned them away. When I heard about this I asked if any of the Military Police were still on site and was told they were the one’s dancing on the bar! Thought best to say no more. By the way, who did kidnap Square Ted? I still have the official Ministry of Defence Police Crime Investigation Report.
It was a very special week for me and one I will never forget and having spoken to a few of you in the last few days clearly nether have you. I am sure you also have many memories that you would like to share - 30 years on and I very much believe “Venture Scouting did work in Hampshire” and I am very proud of what you achieved together and to have been part of it. Although a reunion is not practical, we have set up a Facebook page at Hampshire Venture | Facebook.
It would be great if you can share your pictures and memories via that. If you’re not on Facebook then please send anything you’d like to share to [email protected] I would very much like to hear from you and to know how you are all are and what you are doing. I will attempt to compile the responses into some sort of record for Hampshire Scout Heritage to keep in their archive.
My very best wishes to you all,
Scouts do great things but some of the best people in Scouting inspire others to do great things. That is the idea behind one of Hampshire's more unique and special awards, the Commander Bruce Award.
To give the award its full name, the Lieutenant Commander Henry V Bruce Award is awarded to members of Hampshire Scouts who have inspired others, encouraged them to reach higher and made a difference.
It came about in 2013 when the Bruce family donated some money to Hampshire Scouts from a collection taken at the memorial service of the late Lieutenant Commander Henry V Bruce. He was a former chair of Hampshire Scouts and Explorer Scouts from the county carried a flag leading a procession into Winchester Cathedral.
Presented annually, the award was originally given to an adult and a youth member of Hampshire Scouts, who had inspired and encouraged others in Scouts either over a period of time or at a one-off event. In 2019, the Bruce family increased the prize money from £50 to £500. By 2021, following a generous addition to the fund by another benefactor, the annual amount was increased to £2,000 split between those awarded the prize and by 2023 the prize pot sat at £1,000.
Young people are at the heart of the decision with the Hampshire Scouts Youth Council choosing the winners from the list of people nominated by volunteers across the county.
2013 - Mel Cooper, a Cub Scout from Gosport who gets stuck in regardless of what their Cystsic Fibrosis has to say about it, and Dave Young from Fareham who runs two Explorer Units and can often be found running activities for the Explorers of his area.
2014 - Rosemary Harrison, an activity instructor with Ferny Crofts who overcame a viral infection in the brain to continue inspiring others, and Sherren Corser from Portchester who runs a Beaver and Cub section single-handedly (literally).
2015 - Bethany Harrison, a Scout from Sholing who inspires by throwing herself into activities despite having Cystic Fibrosis, and Jackie Heath from the New Forest who is heavily involved in Scout efforts abroad including in the Gambia.
2016 - Henry Hersey, a Beaver Scout who looked after an elderly lady who had fallen in her house, and Kevin Holland from Winchester who has been inspiring young people for many years now!
2017 - Charlotte, a Cub Scout from Titchfield who acted quickly and bravely to help someone unconscious she found when out walking including guiding in the ambulance service.
2018 - Louis Soccard, an Explorer Scout and Top Awards ambassador who was instrumental in the new Young Leader rally and designed the new County necker.
2019 - Joe Dawson, a Scout who has made a great contribution to youth shaped Scouting in Gosport, so much so he was created a District Youth Champion as he was too young to be a Youth Commissioner.
2020 - Daniel Cooper, Youth rep for Hampshire Scouts who was heavily involved in virtual events during the pandemic.
At the Scouts we may learn skills for life but we also create memories. After all, when we go on adventures, make new friends and push ourselves, it is the memories that matters most.
It's special then that Hampshire Scouts Heritage have gained a symbol of a memory that many across Hampshire share - that of a World Scout Jamboree.
We've been known to go abroad quite a lot in Hampshire. But a World Scout Jamboree is something quite special. Tens of thousands of Scouts from countries on every continent meet to share experiences, learn new skills and make memories together.
This banner accompanied the 16th World Scout Jamboree in New South Wales, Australia. It was a Jamboree of firsts - the first in the Southern Hemisphere, the first not held in August (instead in January to coincide with the Australian summer) and the first time Guides were allowed to join in the celebrations. Lasting from December 1987 to January 1988, over 14,000 Scouts attended from 84 countries.
It saw lots of activities and a fair few events. The opening ceremony was the first official event of Australia's bicentenary celebrations marking 200 years since the first immigrants arrived in the country and marking the beginning of the modern country today. There was also a tropical cyclone that hit towards the end of the event!
At a Jamboree, we like to show a bit of pride about who we are and where we come from. Plus it makes it a bit easier to find our tents and camp in the hundreds of others on the 160 hectare site.
So a banner was made that flew above the camp. The materials were sourced from the UK and taken over with the Hampshire contingent to the Jamboree before being assembled to form the banner once there. It flew over the camp throughout - even surviving the cyclone.
For years, it was thought the banner was lost or destroyed. However, it has instead been found and saved by the Hampshire Scouts Heritage team for the future. It helps preserves the memories and stories associated with that great event.
It was delivered to the centre on the 28th July 2021 by three of the Contingent leaders, John Owen, John Scolfield and Frances King. Greeting them at Ferny Crofts was Graham Spiller, Chair of the Hampshire Scout Heritage Active Support Unit. For Graham it meant another piece of Hampshire Scouts' heritage was safe and not "going to end up in landfill."
Now it's quite a large item so while it won't fit for permanent display in the Heritage centre at Ferny Crofts itself, it will get an airing at open-air events such as the Hampshire Jamborees or for visiting groups.
After all of this, what is Graham's takeaway message for Scouts today?
If you ever get the chance to attend a World Jamboree or other large international Scouting event, take it!
By Steven Osborn
Media and Communications Team Volunteer
First of all, it was a Jamboree year and we know how to party together on those years! But most notably it was the centenary of the first experimental Scout camp on Brownsea Island in Dorset.
During 2007, Scouts from all over the world took part in lots of activities to mark the year and in Hampshire we were no exception. Here's a summary of our summer of celebration in pictures.
Please note: although we did have digital cameras in 2007 their quality is a little small by today's standards. Sorry about that. Anyway, on with the show!
H007 was our camp held at New Park, Brockenhurst, attended by Scouts from all over Hampshire. Plus we had Scout groups from much further afield join us, especially as we were close to where Scouting started.
It's one of the oldest and highest awards in the Scout movement, recognised around the world as a symbol of outstanding achievement in Scouting. Discover the origins of this award and how we're able to add something a little special for our Hampshire King's Scouts.
It's 1909 and its barely two years after the camp that started it all and only one year after the Scout Association itself was founded. The movement was looking for a top award, over and above the First Class test.
That year the King's Scout Award was granted by King Edward VII. He was a keen supporter of the movement and he had invited Robert Baden-Powell, the Scouts' founder, to a weekend at Balmoral Castle to thank him. In an after dinner conversation, the King and the Chief Scout got chatting about the movement and Baden-Powell suggested that Scouts who passed special tests for efficiency should be ranked as King's Scouts. The King agreed and the award was announced in the Headquarters Gazette in November as an award for 'Scouts who prove themselves able and willing to serve the King, should their service at any time be required by him.'
Even though each application had to be sent to headquarters and approved by the Chief Scout personally, and the list of requirements was challenging, a large number of Scouts had achieved this within a year as the 1910 census records 1,632 King's Scouts.
The award has changed over time in both who can earn it and of course its name. The award has been re-confirmed by each new monarch over time and resulting in its name change to the Queen's Scout Badge in 1952 with the accession of Queen Elizabeth II.
The now famous annual review of these Scouts at Windsor Castle began in 1934 and in 1946 with the introduction of the Senior Scouts section, the award became the sole privilege of the Senior Scouts between 15 and 18. When the Senior Scouts was replaced in 1967 by Venture Scouts, the newly renamed Queen's Scout Award became the top award for that section. This would continue until the splitting of Venture Scouts into Explorer Scouts and Scout Network in 2002 when the award opened up to all Scouts aged 16-25.
With the sad passing of the Scouts' patron Queen Elizabeth II, the award once again returned to its roots and became the King's Scout Award with a new design based on the colours of those first badges and the new crown worn by King Charles III.
It may have changed its name and look down the years, however it has remained the pinnacle of many a Scout journey. It represents mastering a full range of skills for life and getting fully involved in all the Scout programme gives our young people.
Did you know we in Hampshire have our own special tradition with the award? And it involves a member of the Royal family and an award from India.
The Silver Elephant is the highest adult award for Scouting in India, similar to the UK's Silver Wolf award. This particular award was presented to Lord Louis Mountbatten, uncle of Prince Philip, when he was Governor General of India in recognition of his services to the Scout in India as their Chief Scout.
When he returned to the UK, he remained a good friend of the Scouts and of Hampshire Scouts with his family home at Broadlands, Romsey. Following his sudden and untimely death in 1979, the Silver Elephant was presented to the county by Countess Mountbatten of Burma when she opened the Mountbatten Lodge at Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre in June 1986. The Silver Elephant is on indefinite loan to be held safe by the County Commissioner.
It has become customary that a young person has the privilege of wearing it while being presented their Queen’s and later their King's Scout Award.
They laid down their lives fighting for king and country.
Large number of adult leaders were called to serve their country never to return.
A generation that served, never to return or to return with a host of physical and mental health problems. With the Scout movement very much in its infancy, how did the First World War affect the movement?
At the start of World War One, the government planned to militarise all youth organisations for the war effort. For the Scouts' founder, Robert Baden-Powell, this was unacceptable. After all, how could a movement that prided itself on peace take part in the fighting as part of the military?
Instead, Scouts focused on keeping the home fires burning with the services of the movement offered to help with non-military tasks. Under the guidance of Scout commissioners and chief constables, Scouts handed out information to local people, organised relief measures within their community and acting as messengers, guides and orderlies.
Scouts were involved in establishing first aid stations, refuges and soup kitchens. They assisted the coastguard in coast watching duties, an activity for which a proficiency badge was issued and perfect for the new Sea Scout branch of the movement. This vital work continued throughout the war and involved many Scouts. As Scout Leaders and Scouts were called up to fight, Scouts looked after themselves - youth shaped Scouting you might say - or looked to new places for their leaders such as women Scoutmasters.
Fifteen members of the movement were awarded the Victoria Cross for outstanding acts of courage and bravery, including Jack Cornwell. Baden-Powell paid tribute to Jack’s heroism and introduced the ‘Cornwell Scout Badge’ for bravery by young people which continues to be awarded to this day.
We don't know all the stories yet but we'd love to find more out! Here are some we know about.
Six Southampton Scouts – four from the 2nd Freemantle Troop, one from the 11th St Mary’s and the other from the 20th St Laurence Troop – were on the hospital ship Britannic which was torpedoed and sunk by a U-boat off the coast of Greece. They were among 16 Scouts, acting as orderlies and messengers, who were all saved. The Southampton Scouts were later each presented with an engraved pocket compass from the White Star Line.
When in November 1918 the war came to an uneasy end what was the impact? The cost had been terrible, but it was evident the Scouts had done their duty. Baden-Powell considered this dilemma carefully and launched less than two years later the first World Scout Jamboree.
The Jamboree would, and still does, bring Scouts together from across the world and from every background to celebrate peace, unity and celebrate our differences and our unity. The first, to be held in London Olympia, would also be Scouts' showcase to the wider public and was an exhibition reminiscent of the Great Exhibition of 1851.
Baden-Powell would use his closing speech at this Jamboree to invite Scouts to commit themselves to the cause of reconciliation and peace:
"Brother Scouts, I ask you to make a solemn choice.
Difference exist between the people of the world in thought and sentiment, just as they do in language and physique.
The war has taught us that if one nation tries to impose its particular will upon others, cruel reaction is bound to follow. The Jamboree has taught us that if we exercise mutual forbearance and give and take, then there is sympathy and harmony.
If it be your will, let us go forth from here fully determines that we will develop among ourselves and our boys that comradeship, through the world-wide spirit of the Scout Brotherhood, so that we may develop peace and happiness in the world and good will among men.
Brother Scouts, answer me. Will you join me in this endeavour?"
Robert Baden-Powell
What links an Explorer Scout from Havant and a boy caught in the midst of a mighty naval battle? Courage and endurance in the face of extreme difficulties.
This is the story of the Cornwell Scout Badge.
The Cornwell Scout Badge takes its name and owes its existence to a boy from the East end of London. John Travers Cornwell, or Jack to his friends, was a Scout in the St. Mary's Mission Group, Manor Park in London. When the First World War broke out, Jack signed up and in 1915 entered the Royal Navy. His training may have been brief, but many of the skills he learned proved useful to him.
On 31st of May 1916, Jack was serving on HMS Chester at the Battle of Jutland - one of the most prominent naval battles of the war. During the battle, Jack was struck by a shrapnel which wounded him greatly. However, understanding the importance of courage, he stayed at his station to play his part until he was relieved at the end of the battle. Although he was transferred to a hospital as soon as they reached port, it was not enough and Jack died in Grimsby three days later.
His story spread quickly and he was identified as a national hero soon after. He was awarded the Victoria Cross for bravery and the Bronze Cross, the highest Scout award for Gallantry, posthumously. To mark the courage shown, Robert Baden-Powell created the Cornwell Scout Badge for young people showing great courage, endurance and devotion to duty. To this day, it is only available for young people aged 6-25.
Fast forward 100 years and an Explorer Scout from Havant is receiving the Cornwell Scout Badge from the Scouts' CEO Matt Hyde.
Victoria Edwards was 11 when she suffered a stroke that left her with a 50% chance of surviving. When she arrived at hospital, she was told that even if she had survived she would likely be mobility impaired. Despite the odds she didn't give up and endured in the face of it. She carried on Scouting and continued her active life, horse riding and sailing, despite having a weak left side and visual impairments.
In 2016, at age 16, Victoria was presented her Cornwell Scout Badge at the top of the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth. Her courage continues to be exemplary and her story continuing to inspire.
Jack's legacy is alive over a century later and the courage shown through ordinary Scouts around our County keeps us hopeful for the future.
You'll find it on the sleeve of every Scout in Hampshire, that's tens of thousands of us, and on the back of our Hampshire Scouts necker worn by our County team. But where did the rose and crown symbol come from?
The answer may not be as straight-forward as you think.
Lots of Counties use the rose as a symbol; the white rose of Yorkshire and the red rose of Lancashire are well known to any schoolchild who's studied the late Middle Ages.
Hampshire also has an association with the rose in heraldry dating back many centuries, but it specifically has links with the Tudor rose since 1533. Mounted high on the wall in the Great Hall of the former Winchester Castle is the Round Table. Believed for many centuries to be the table of King Arthur, it shows the mythical King painted on it and a single rose painted at the centre.
In 1533 however, the table was repainted as a compliment to the reigning King Henry VIII with King Arthur now shown wearing Tudor robes and the rose modernised to a double Tudor Rose. Ever since, heraldry in Hampshire has been split between the original red rose and the Tudor red and white rose ever since.
The rose with the crown above has had just as long a history; it is moulded into a cannon from the Hampshire-built Mary Rose, appears on 19th century coinage and to this day serves as the logo of Hampshire County Council. A variation is now in use as the County flag of Hampshire, albeit with a Saxon crown and triple rose.
Our badge that we use today was introduced around 1931 to replace the original badge (described as dull). For our design, the badge of the Hampshire Lawn Tennis Association was used. The design has remained remarkably similar ever since.
It features a double rose, but with all red petals, to reflect the ancient symbols of Hampshire pre-dating the Tudor rose. Today you'll find it on our new County Neckerchiefs, introduced in 2018, and on our uniforms still.
While our badge has been flying the flag for the double red rose for nearly a century we've dabbled in the Tudor rose for a while ourselves. A White rose with a red border and a black centre with a Scouting fleur-de-lis was used as a logo for Hampshire Scouts from the turn of the millennium until 2018.
Since then we've made sure we keep it consistent with our double red rose.
For over 100 years it has marked the end of a leader's initial training; the Wood Badge isn't your normal symbol of achievement. From humble beginnings, the way our adults train and learn the skills they need to deliver the Scout programme has grown and changed ever since.
Scouting has remained constant through times of trouble, including both World Wars. After both had concluded, young people started flocking back to the movement, eager to learn. It took longer for enough adults to join however.
With lots of new adult volunteers, they needed to be trained up quickly. The solution was found in 1919 when a practical training camp was held at the newly bought Gilwell Park, north London. Adults built on their early theoretical knowledge with ten days of practical skills, lectures on topics like the newly invented Rover Scouts and things that affected young people like the Education Act. They even squeezed in a visit to headquarters and a lunch with Baden-Powell.
So why two wooden beads? Baden-Powell had long had in his possession a long necklace made of wooden beads from Africa. It was decided during that first course that two beads (one original and one a hand crafted replica) would be presented and worn on their hat.
It was quickly decided that the number of beads could be used to show how far the leaders had got in their training. From November 1919 one bead was awarded for completing the initial theoretical and administrative training with the second awarded after completing the practical course.
There were sets of wood beads with more than two as well. Deputy Camp Chiefs wore a set of four beads. Meanwhile a set of six beads were worn by Baden-Powell himself and Percy Everett who was Commissioner for Training and Deputy Chief Scout. With Baden-Powell's death in 1941, his set passed into the headquarters' heritage collection while Everett's set went on a much longer journey being passed down to every Camp Chief of Gilwell between 1949 and 2015. After nearly a century in use they were finally retired in 2015; they enjoy a well earned rest in the heritage collection and besides the role of Camp Chief is now a ceremonial one held by the Chief Operating Officer.
Today two wood beads is still the sign of completing the full training. Even since 1919, its been recognised that we need to reward those first steps along the path as well. One bead was used for a while but in 1943 something new was used instead - a Turk's Head woggle. It had been around since the 1920s and originated in the States but between 1943 and 1989 it was only worn by leaders who had completed basic training. Even today, it is a traditional gift for someone completing the Getting Started training.
Even today we mark a Young Leader completing their Module A basic training with a slider woggle. On that slider you'll find an acorn and some oak leaves, modelled on the Gilwell Oak, to remind us of where our training first started and what can grow when we nurture those seeds of our movements future.
Discover more about the Gilwell Oak at the Scouts Heritage site.
From those early days until the close of the 20th Century, training was done in stages from the theoretical to the practical. The initial and introductory training would be completed locally and would set people up with the basics: the programme, the Scout method and who was there to support them. It would then be followed up by a course to apply the practical skills, the activities and the leadership qualities needed to succeed on a national and county scale.
The biggest shake-up took place in 2004 when the learning was broken down from larger integrated courses into smaller bite-size modules. Learners now only had to do the modules relevant to them and their role and put their learning into practice through a process called validation. If they knew it already, such as from their job, they wouldn't need to learn it again - just apply it to Scouts.
The modules also allowed us to be more flexible in how we deliver training in Scouts. From weekend residential courses to individual modules delivered in the evening the way we have allowed our volunteers to learn has kept on evolving. The latest developments were multi-module days, where lots of individual modules were offered and leaders could pick and choose the ones they needed, and training online through eLearning and video conferencing.
No matter how they do it though, our volunteer leaders still get two wooden beads to adorn their scarf when they've completed the training. Over 100 years and 100,000 sets awarded later, some traditions we like to keep alive - after all it's all about the skills for life.